Friday, March 27, 2009

Hello Everyone,

We received great news today! The spiral CT Scan revealed that most of the tumors in Cliff's chest have "complete resolution". In other words, they're gone! The one remaining large tumor has decreased from 9cm to 3cm. His blood work (CBC and platelets) 2 weeks post chemo treatment is within normal limits. He has no signs of pleurisy or blood clots. His doctor is very pleased with his progress. The fact that he is having no side effects from the chemo is a real answer to prayer.

So the plan is to have one more chemo treatment next week (#4 chemo treatment) and then Cliff will be scheduled for a PET scan. If the scan reveals no cancerous activity, he will have two more chemo treatments. Please pray for a clear scan!!

This has been a tough journey....very tough at times...but your prayers have helped to sustain us, encourage us, and lift us up. We continue to thank God for each of you.

He is Faithful.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hello, and belated Happy St. Pat's,

Cliff is still feeling well.  Ellie and James talked him into traveling with us to Ellie's volleyball tournament this weekend.  Cliff has not missed a day of work except for the days of his 3 chemo treatments.  He needs this "mini vacation".  Please pray Cliff and James will have some great R&R.   Ellie and I will be spending long hours in the gym, while the boys kick back and have some fun father-son time.

Cliff's followup CT scan is scheduled for next Wednesday, March 25th.  We will have the results, hopefully, by his doctor's visit on the 27th.  We are praying the scan will show the tumors have decreased significantly in size.  

Waiting is always difficult, but our daughter, Blake, reminded me today of the verse in Isaiah 41, "For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, 'Fear not, I am the one who helps you.'" 

As always, we are grateful for each of you.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Just a quick update:  Cliff's oncologist decided to move his next CT scan to 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks.  He said he wants to rule out blood clots and pleurisy and measure the size of the tumors. He doesn't suspect any problems, and didn't give us any cause for alarm.   However, we are hoping for good results.  The doctor was pleased with Cliff's blood work yesterday, which continues to stay well within normal ranges.  Thanks for all your prayers.  Have a great weekend.  Love, Beth

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good Morning,

Today Cliff has his third chemo treatment.  He continues to experience no negative side effects.  We are praising God and thanking Him for being our Provider!

Ellie, our 16 year old, mentioned she was hesitant to tell others how well her father is doing because she doesn't want them to forget to pray for him.  Her comments were a good reminder.  Yes, Cliff still has cancer.  And, yes, we still have all the struggles that go along with a serious illness.  This has been a tough road, and very painful at times, but also a great time for growth.

"Sorrow causes deep scars, and indelibly writes its story on the suffering heart.  We never completely recover from our greatest griefs and are never exactly the same after having passed through them.  Yet sorrow that is endured in the right spirit impacts our growth favorably and brings us a greater sense of compassion for others."

Each one of you has blessed us in so many different ways.  Cliff and I (and all our children) have witnessed the beauty of your compassion, prayers and incredible tangible expressions of your love.  I cannot communicate in words how deeply you have touched our lives. 

Also, please keep praying for my friend, Carolyn.  She continues to struggle with the terrible side effects of her chemo.  Her attitude is amazing and she brightens up every room she enters. Even in the infusion center, she has a sweet smile and a kind word for all the other patients.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Monday, March 2, 2009


PERFECT!!! Thats what the doctor told Cliff today. His blood work is perfect! His doctor was amazed that Cliff has not missed any work except on the days he receives chemo. He was also pleasantly surprised that Cliff has not had any of the side effects people usually have with this type of chemo.

His next chemo treatment is March 12th. I will update the blog then. Please continue to pray in thanksgiving for Cliff's great lab work today, for the cancer to be totally destroyed, and for Cliff's good nutrition to protect all his healthy cells from the damaging effects of the chemo. Please, also, pray that we can be a blessing to others who are hurting.

We are so grateful for your faithful prayers and all the support.


Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hello Everyone and Happy March,

Cliff continues to feel pretty good. His only problem this week is that his hair has been growing so I gave him another #1 buzz cut on Friday. He is scheduled for another blood test tomorrow and a doctor visit. Please pray his blood test results continue to be normal.

My friend, Carolyn, has really been struggling with a fever this past spiked to 103 on Friday. She required more units of blood. She, also, is scheduled to begin ICE chemo therapy tomorrow. This chemo is pretty intense and requires hospitalization. If they can get the lymphoma under control, they hope to begin harvesting her own bone marrow for a future transplant. Please keep her in your prayers and pray that Cliff and I can be an encouragement to her.

Thanks for walking with us on this journey. We love and appreciate each of you!!