Friday, April 24, 2009

Yesterday, Cliff finished up his fifth chemo treatment.  His oncologist reported his echo looked good with no heart damage from the chemo.  Yeah!!  The oncologist also called Cliff's recovery "remarkable."  He is thrilled with how well Cliff has tolerated the chemo and how quickly Cliff became cancer free...three months from the time of his diagnosis.  We continue to stand in awe of answered prayer and thank you for all your love and support.  ONE MORE CHEMO TREATMENT TO GO!

Please continue to pray for my friend, Carolyn, who is struggling to keep her blood counts up. She has an amazing attitude, but this has been a very long, hard road.  The lymphoma and chemo treatments have taken their toll on her.  Right now she is receiving blood transfusions every other day often with transfusions of platelets, too.  She is on Prednisone which helps to keep her lymph nodes down and her energy up.  She is waiting for a bone marrow match for a stem cell transplant.

Thanks, again, for your faithful prayers!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hello, Everyone,

After receiving the incredible news last week about Cliff's PET scan, both Cliff and I have noticed that the flowers are more vibrant, the trees are more green, and the sky, when it's not raining, is more blue.  We find ourselves smiling and laughing more.  I am amazed how light-hearted we feel when a burden is lifted.  God is good.

Yesterday, Cliff received an Echocardiogram to determine if the chemo is adversely affecting his heart.  Today, Cliff is receiving chemotherapy treatment #5.  Please pray for a good response to this infusion and that he will continue to have no side effects.

Thank you for your faithful support and prayers.  

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hello Everyone,

We just left the doctor's office with GREAT news.  Cliff's PET scan reveals NO signs of cancer!!  The exact wording on his report reads "Complete resolution of previously described areas of abnormal uptake.  No evidence for active lymphomatous disease."  The blood test for CBC and platelets revealed very good numbers in normal ranges. 

Cliff will have two more rounds of chemo and then be monitored every 3 months with alternating PET scans and CT scans.

Please Praise God with us as we rejoice in Him.  He is Able!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Morning,

I hope you all had a blessed Easter. Our oldest daughter, Blake, arrived home from college last Wednesday night and we have had a wonderful, long weekend with her. This was the first time she saw Cliff with his "new" hair style. She said it was hard at first since she has never known her dad without hair. However, she quickly adjusted and enjoyed her time with him.

Well, tomorrow is our BIG DAY. Cliff is scheduled for his followup PET scan tomorrow afternoon. If the scan reveals NO cancerous activity, he will have two more chemotherapy treatments....period.

Please pray for a clear scan tomorrow with no remaining areas of cancer.

"Trials are the food of faith." This trial has challenged us and strengthened our faith in ways never imagined. We thank each of you for walking this path with us.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Good Morning,

Well, so far so good. Cliff tolerated the chemo yesterday well and made it back to work for his 2pm meeting. Today he remarked that he feels rested with no side effects. The next step is a followup PET scan to determine if there is any cancerous activity in the lymph system. I will update the blog when his test is scheduled.

We remain optimistic, hopeful and very grateful.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Tomorrow Cliff receives chemotherapy treatment #4.  He seems to be feeling well and has great energy.  Please pray his blood work stays in the normal ranges.  Also, pray that he tolerates his chemo well.

My sweet friend, Carolyn, is having a tough week.  Her blood counts are low and she is unable to receive her chemo this week.  She is discouraged.  Please pray her platelets will increase.  Also pray for wisdom for her doctor as he decides on the next plan of attack against her lymphoma. Carolyn continues to wait for a donor from the national bone marrow registry.

Thank you for your support and prayers.