Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hello Everyone,

Last weekend we loaded up the SUV and traveled to Upland, Indiana for Blake's graduation. It's hard to believe our little girl is a college graduate! The ceremony was full of joy, tears and celebration. Having Cliff whole, healthy and cancer-free made the celebration even bigger and better. He continues to do well post-chemo. We praise God for His provision for Cliff....and all of us...during this journey.

I wanted to update you on my friend, Carolyn. So many of you have asked how she is and encouraged me with your continued prayers for her. Monday night she began the process of her stem cell transplant. Her body was blasted for two days with chemo. On day three she had a total body radiation and immunosuppressant drugs. Today, she receives her new stem cells. She has back pain from the radiation, but continues to have an incredibly positive attitude. She will be on anti-rejection drugs and predisone (and a multitude of other meds) for the duration. This is like an organ transplant. She will be hospitalized for up to 8 weeks. Please pray for her spirit; she is a very positive person, but this an enormous challenge for the toughest of us. Please pray for her faith; as she began her chemo she cried out for someone to hold her hand. Carolyn told me God held her hand through that first chemo treatment. Please pray she will see and experience God as never before. Pray that He will continue to hold her hand and, when needed, carry her through this hospitalization.

He is Able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think!
Thank you for joining with me in prayer for my precious friend.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Good Morning,

We had a powerful storm rage through St. Louis last night, but it left behind a cool, crisp albeit cloudy morning. The trees and flowers are nourished and flourishing. Well, our "storm" is passing through, too. The difficult journey of the last 4 months will end with Cliff's final chemotherapy treatment today. When Cliff saw his oncologist last Thursday, he again remarked that Cliff's recovery has been "dramatic and remarkable". We recognize God's Hand of healing and provision in our life. We are grateful for your continued prayers which have held us up and sustained us through this trial.

Several weeks ago Cliff received an invitation to a cancer survivor celebration in June. "Cancer survivor" are two words every cancer patient wants to hear.

Please pray that the chemo treatment today will, again, result in NO side effects. Then, celebrate with us as Cliff is now a cancer survivor. His oncologist will monitor him with CT and PET scans. We will update the blog with each successive scan. Initially, the scans will take place every 3 months.

"For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies." Psalm 57:10

Please pray for my sweet friend, Carolyn, as she begins her stem cell transplant May 25th.

Thank you, again, for walking with us throughout our cancer journey.