Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Cliff had a followup CT scan two weeks ago. The scan revealed NO signs of lymphoma. His blood work continues to be well within normal ranges. When the oncology nurse asked Cliff if he was allergic to anything, he smiled and said, "Yes, chemotherapy." His hair, as you can see, is beginning to grow back. Father's Day was an extra special celebration.

Thank you for all your continued prayers for Cliff and my friend, Carolyn. Monday, June 22, after 28 days in hospital, Carolyn was discharged. Not many of us are excited to be out in this searing St. Louis heat, but, to Carolyn, each day is a gorgeous day! She has a new immune system and a new outlook on life. She continues to return to the hospital for outpatient testing, blood and platelet infusions, etc. She is still taking one day at a time. She has residual side effects from the chemo and radiation causing neuropathy, low blood counts, and a few other problems. Please continue to pray for her recovery.

"For great is Your love, reaching to the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the skies." Psalm 57:10


Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hello Everyone,

Last weekend we loaded up the SUV and traveled to Upland, Indiana for Blake's graduation. It's hard to believe our little girl is a college graduate! The ceremony was full of joy, tears and celebration. Having Cliff whole, healthy and cancer-free made the celebration even bigger and better. He continues to do well post-chemo. We praise God for His provision for Cliff....and all of us...during this journey.

I wanted to update you on my friend, Carolyn. So many of you have asked how she is and encouraged me with your continued prayers for her. Monday night she began the process of her stem cell transplant. Her body was blasted for two days with chemo. On day three she had a total body radiation and immunosuppressant drugs. Today, she receives her new stem cells. She has back pain from the radiation, but continues to have an incredibly positive attitude. She will be on anti-rejection drugs and predisone (and a multitude of other meds) for the duration. This is like an organ transplant. She will be hospitalized for up to 8 weeks. Please pray for her spirit; she is a very positive person, but this an enormous challenge for the toughest of us. Please pray for her faith; as she began her chemo she cried out for someone to hold her hand. Carolyn told me God held her hand through that first chemo treatment. Please pray she will see and experience God as never before. Pray that He will continue to hold her hand and, when needed, carry her through this hospitalization.

He is Able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think!
Thank you for joining with me in prayer for my precious friend.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Good Morning,

We had a powerful storm rage through St. Louis last night, but it left behind a cool, crisp albeit cloudy morning. The trees and flowers are nourished and flourishing. Well, our "storm" is passing through, too. The difficult journey of the last 4 months will end with Cliff's final chemotherapy treatment today. When Cliff saw his oncologist last Thursday, he again remarked that Cliff's recovery has been "dramatic and remarkable". We recognize God's Hand of healing and provision in our life. We are grateful for your continued prayers which have held us up and sustained us through this trial.

Several weeks ago Cliff received an invitation to a cancer survivor celebration in June. "Cancer survivor" are two words every cancer patient wants to hear.

Please pray that the chemo treatment today will, again, result in NO side effects. Then, celebrate with us as Cliff is now a cancer survivor. His oncologist will monitor him with CT and PET scans. We will update the blog with each successive scan. Initially, the scans will take place every 3 months.

"For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies." Psalm 57:10

Please pray for my sweet friend, Carolyn, as she begins her stem cell transplant May 25th.

Thank you, again, for walking with us throughout our cancer journey.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Yesterday, Cliff finished up his fifth chemo treatment.  His oncologist reported his echo looked good with no heart damage from the chemo.  Yeah!!  The oncologist also called Cliff's recovery "remarkable."  He is thrilled with how well Cliff has tolerated the chemo and how quickly Cliff became cancer free...three months from the time of his diagnosis.  We continue to stand in awe of answered prayer and thank you for all your love and support.  ONE MORE CHEMO TREATMENT TO GO!

Please continue to pray for my friend, Carolyn, who is struggling to keep her blood counts up. She has an amazing attitude, but this has been a very long, hard road.  The lymphoma and chemo treatments have taken their toll on her.  Right now she is receiving blood transfusions every other day often with transfusions of platelets, too.  She is on Prednisone which helps to keep her lymph nodes down and her energy up.  She is waiting for a bone marrow match for a stem cell transplant.

Thanks, again, for your faithful prayers!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hello, Everyone,

After receiving the incredible news last week about Cliff's PET scan, both Cliff and I have noticed that the flowers are more vibrant, the trees are more green, and the sky, when it's not raining, is more blue.  We find ourselves smiling and laughing more.  I am amazed how light-hearted we feel when a burden is lifted.  God is good.

Yesterday, Cliff received an Echocardiogram to determine if the chemo is adversely affecting his heart.  Today, Cliff is receiving chemotherapy treatment #5.  Please pray for a good response to this infusion and that he will continue to have no side effects.

Thank you for your faithful support and prayers.  

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hello Everyone,

We just left the doctor's office with GREAT news.  Cliff's PET scan reveals NO signs of cancer!!  The exact wording on his report reads "Complete resolution of previously described areas of abnormal uptake.  No evidence for active lymphomatous disease."  The blood test for CBC and platelets revealed very good numbers in normal ranges. 

Cliff will have two more rounds of chemo and then be monitored every 3 months with alternating PET scans and CT scans.

Please Praise God with us as we rejoice in Him.  He is Able!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Morning,

I hope you all had a blessed Easter. Our oldest daughter, Blake, arrived home from college last Wednesday night and we have had a wonderful, long weekend with her. This was the first time she saw Cliff with his "new" hair style. She said it was hard at first since she has never known her dad without hair. However, she quickly adjusted and enjoyed her time with him.

Well, tomorrow is our BIG DAY. Cliff is scheduled for his followup PET scan tomorrow afternoon. If the scan reveals NO cancerous activity, he will have two more chemotherapy treatments....period.

Please pray for a clear scan tomorrow with no remaining areas of cancer.

"Trials are the food of faith." This trial has challenged us and strengthened our faith in ways never imagined. We thank each of you for walking this path with us.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Good Morning,

Well, so far so good. Cliff tolerated the chemo yesterday well and made it back to work for his 2pm meeting. Today he remarked that he feels rested with no side effects. The next step is a followup PET scan to determine if there is any cancerous activity in the lymph system. I will update the blog when his test is scheduled.

We remain optimistic, hopeful and very grateful.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Tomorrow Cliff receives chemotherapy treatment #4.  He seems to be feeling well and has great energy.  Please pray his blood work stays in the normal ranges.  Also, pray that he tolerates his chemo well.

My sweet friend, Carolyn, is having a tough week.  Her blood counts are low and she is unable to receive her chemo this week.  She is discouraged.  Please pray her platelets will increase.  Also pray for wisdom for her doctor as he decides on the next plan of attack against her lymphoma. Carolyn continues to wait for a donor from the national bone marrow registry.

Thank you for your support and prayers.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hello Everyone,

We received great news today! The spiral CT Scan revealed that most of the tumors in Cliff's chest have "complete resolution". In other words, they're gone! The one remaining large tumor has decreased from 9cm to 3cm. His blood work (CBC and platelets) 2 weeks post chemo treatment is within normal limits. He has no signs of pleurisy or blood clots. His doctor is very pleased with his progress. The fact that he is having no side effects from the chemo is a real answer to prayer.

So the plan is to have one more chemo treatment next week (#4 chemo treatment) and then Cliff will be scheduled for a PET scan. If the scan reveals no cancerous activity, he will have two more chemo treatments. Please pray for a clear scan!!

This has been a tough journey....very tough at times...but your prayers have helped to sustain us, encourage us, and lift us up. We continue to thank God for each of you.

He is Faithful.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hello, and belated Happy St. Pat's,

Cliff is still feeling well.  Ellie and James talked him into traveling with us to Ellie's volleyball tournament this weekend.  Cliff has not missed a day of work except for the days of his 3 chemo treatments.  He needs this "mini vacation".  Please pray Cliff and James will have some great R&R.   Ellie and I will be spending long hours in the gym, while the boys kick back and have some fun father-son time.

Cliff's followup CT scan is scheduled for next Wednesday, March 25th.  We will have the results, hopefully, by his doctor's visit on the 27th.  We are praying the scan will show the tumors have decreased significantly in size.  

Waiting is always difficult, but our daughter, Blake, reminded me today of the verse in Isaiah 41, "For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, 'Fear not, I am the one who helps you.'" 

As always, we are grateful for each of you.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Just a quick update:  Cliff's oncologist decided to move his next CT scan to 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks.  He said he wants to rule out blood clots and pleurisy and measure the size of the tumors. He doesn't suspect any problems, and didn't give us any cause for alarm.   However, we are hoping for good results.  The doctor was pleased with Cliff's blood work yesterday, which continues to stay well within normal ranges.  Thanks for all your prayers.  Have a great weekend.  Love, Beth

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good Morning,

Today Cliff has his third chemo treatment.  He continues to experience no negative side effects.  We are praising God and thanking Him for being our Provider!

Ellie, our 16 year old, mentioned she was hesitant to tell others how well her father is doing because she doesn't want them to forget to pray for him.  Her comments were a good reminder.  Yes, Cliff still has cancer.  And, yes, we still have all the struggles that go along with a serious illness.  This has been a tough road, and very painful at times, but also a great time for growth.

"Sorrow causes deep scars, and indelibly writes its story on the suffering heart.  We never completely recover from our greatest griefs and are never exactly the same after having passed through them.  Yet sorrow that is endured in the right spirit impacts our growth favorably and brings us a greater sense of compassion for others."

Each one of you has blessed us in so many different ways.  Cliff and I (and all our children) have witnessed the beauty of your compassion, prayers and incredible tangible expressions of your love.  I cannot communicate in words how deeply you have touched our lives. 

Also, please keep praying for my friend, Carolyn.  She continues to struggle with the terrible side effects of her chemo.  Her attitude is amazing and she brightens up every room she enters. Even in the infusion center, she has a sweet smile and a kind word for all the other patients.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Monday, March 2, 2009


PERFECT!!! Thats what the doctor told Cliff today. His blood work is perfect! His doctor was amazed that Cliff has not missed any work except on the days he receives chemo. He was also pleasantly surprised that Cliff has not had any of the side effects people usually have with this type of chemo.

His next chemo treatment is March 12th. I will update the blog then. Please continue to pray in thanksgiving for Cliff's great lab work today, for the cancer to be totally destroyed, and for Cliff's good nutrition to protect all his healthy cells from the damaging effects of the chemo. Please, also, pray that we can be a blessing to others who are hurting.

We are so grateful for your faithful prayers and all the support.


Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hello Everyone and Happy March,

Cliff continues to feel pretty good. His only problem this week is that his hair has been growing so I gave him another #1 buzz cut on Friday. He is scheduled for another blood test tomorrow and a doctor visit. Please pray his blood test results continue to be normal.

My friend, Carolyn, has really been struggling with a fever this past spiked to 103 on Friday. She required more units of blood. She, also, is scheduled to begin ICE chemo therapy tomorrow. This chemo is pretty intense and requires hospitalization. If they can get the lymphoma under control, they hope to begin harvesting her own bone marrow for a future transplant. Please keep her in your prayers and pray that Cliff and I can be an encouragement to her.

Thanks for walking with us on this journey. We love and appreciate each of you!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hello Everyone,

According to the doctor, yesterday and today should have been the hardest days following chemo. So far Cliff has been feeling great. He is probably tired of me asking him how he feels, but other than that he is doing really well. Thank you for your continued prayers.


Monday, February 16, 2009


Cliff seemed to tolerate his chemo well today and, after 5 hours of chemo, decided to put in a few hours at work this afternoon. The doctor warned Cliff that fatigue and nausea will get progressively worse with each treatment. However, we are praying that he will have minimal to no side-effects.

Please keep praying for my friend, Carolyn, too. She was unable to receive her full dose of chemo today due to low platelets. Her lymph nodes have started growing in size again. Her doctor feels the cancer is not responding well to the chemo and he is sending her to have a stem cell work up. Her first appointment is on Wednesday. Like Cliff, she has an amazing attitude and appreciates your prayers.



Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dear Friends,

Last Wednesday, Cliff decided to get a #1 buzz cut. As he contemplated his "new do" he remarked, "I really do have a nicely shaped head." In the midst of this trial, he continues to have an amazing attitude. He is definitely looking at the glass half-full!

"Let us sing even when we do not feel like it, for in this way we give wings to heavy feet and turn weariness into strength." (John Henry Jowett)

Tomorrow is Cliff's next chemo treatment. Please pray he tolerates this treatment as well as the previous chemo treatment. As a matter of fact, while Cliff is receiving his friend Carolyn will be receiving her next chemo treatment, too. Carolyn has struggled to keep her blood levels stable and has required several pints of blood. Like our family, Carolyn and her family are blessed by your prayers.

Thanks for your continued support.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dear Friends,

I had hoped to post a new blog at least once a week, however last week I found myself recovering from oral surgery and was a bit out of commission. I am greatly improved!

Paul, our son, safely arrived in Ireland a week ago for his semester abroad. Thank you for your prayers.

Cliff saw his oncologist last week and his blood work was perfect! His doctor was pleased with his progress. The only side effect has been hair loss, and he is still a very handsome man without hair. He has been wearing a knit cap "stitched with prayer" from my cousin and an FBI cap from my brother. His new hats have been such an encouragement to him.

We understand there are lessons we can only learn "in the shadow" of God's hand. As we walk this dark path, we understand that God is holding us even closer. Here is an exerpt from a devotional that was especially encouraging to us last week:

"In the shadow of his hand He hid me; He made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver." (Isaiah 49:2) In some realms of nature, shadows or darkness are the places of greatest growth. The beautiful Indian corn never grows more rapidly than in the darkness of a warm summer night. The starry beauty of the sky cannot be seen at its peak until the shadows of night slip over the sky. Lands with fog, clouds, and shade are lush with greenery. And there are beautiful flowers that bloom in the shade that will never bloom in the sun. The evening primrose will not open in the noonday sun but only reveals its beauty as the shadows of the evening grow longer.

The author concluded that the quiver is always tied to the warrior and is within easy reach of his hand. How thankful we are that during the tough times, God keeps us close.

Again, we are blessed by your prayers, meals, cards, emails, phone calls, and visits. Thank you for loving our family!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cliff's update

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday we picked our oldest son up from college in Indiana and tomorrow we will put him on a plane for a semester abroad in Ireland. Please pray for Cliff and Paul to have some good father-son time before he leaves. They are very close and Paul is concerned about his father. Please pray that Paul will be able to have a successful semester without being too distracted with Cliff's illness.

My friend, Carolyn, was discharged from the hospital today. She found out her lymphoma is stage 4 and she will be getting a stem cell transplant asap. Her hematocrit keeps falling and she has already had 4 units of blood this week. The doctors are also struggling to keep her lymphedema in her legs under control. She has a long road ahead. Please keep praying for her, too. She is truly touched that all of you....people she has never met....are praying for her.

You all are a blessing to us!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good Morning,

As I look out over the beautiful, snow-covered landscape, I am reminded that God's mercies are new every morning. Cliff feels pretty much back to normal. He will have his next chemo treatment in 3 weeks.

My friend, Carolyn, received her diagnosis yesterday. She has a very aggressive form of lymphoma. There are many different kinds of lymphoma and her type needs immediate treatment. She will begin chemo today. Please pray for her strength, faith, and that she will tolerate the chemo well. Please, also, pray for her wonderful family....they are hurting.

Thank you for your continued faithful prayers for Cliff and Carolyn.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cliff's update

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your continued, faithful prayers. We appreciate all of you as you follow Cliff's blog and support us in so many ways. Cliff's chemo went far better than the nurses or doctor expected. Then, over the weekend Cliff had NO side effects. He looks great and feels great. Because he faired so well, he even remarked to me "I can't believe I just had chemo." We understand that the second and third chemo treatments may hold some adverse effects, so Cliff is by no means expecting to skate through this process as smoothly as he did this past weekend. Please continue to pray for minimal side effects. Also, please pray that the chemo is destroying all the bad cells and his good nutrition is helping to create new, healthy cells.

We don't always understand God's Hand, but we TRUST His Hand. This past weekend we received a call that one of my dearest friends from college was in the hospital. She was undergoing a battery of tests. We just received news today that she has lymphoma. As you pray for Cliff, please pray, too, for my sweet friend, Carolyn. Please pray for her to receive that "perfect peace that passes all understanding." And, please pray that Cliff and I can be an encouragement to her. I asked permission to place her on this blog. I told her we have faithful prayer warriors all over the globe praying for us....and that I knew they would pray for her, too.

My heart is so heavy for Carolyn. As I was praying for her over the weekend, I was reminded of the verses from the song, "When the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say, Blessed be the Name of the Lord!" The darkness, fear, and anxiety that cancer brings can be overwhelming. Please pray that God will lift that darkness and encourage Carolyn.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cliff's update

Good Morning,
Today Cliff has his first chemo treatment. Please pray that he tolerates it well. We had great news this week. The doctor gave us the report of his most recent scan. He reported Cliff's tumor has already shrunk by about 10%.....and he has not even begun any treatment! We marvel at God's goodness, the power of prayer and the power of good nutrition. We are thankful for all the positive and encouraging words, cards, phone calls, emails and "business lunches." In this life we truly believe "Suffering is inevitable. Misery is an option." We choose to remain positive, hopeful and believing in God's healing power. We thank God for each of you!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Today we received results from some of Cliff's tests. His blood test came back well within normal range. His bone marrow biopsy proved to be negative with no signs of lymphoma. We continue to thank God for His amazing provision in the midst of this trial. We will receive results of the PET scan next week. Cliff looks great and has incredible energy. As we have heard from so many of you, we realize there are many others suffering out there with various difficulties. We want you to know that we are praying for each of you. Suffering is a part of life, but during times like this we are more acutely aware of it. CS Lewis wrote, "God whispers in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain. It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." Thanks for your continued prayers.
Love, Beth

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dear Friends,

Once again, we are touched and overwhelmed by your loving response to Cliff's diagnosis. Today we found out that his lymphoma is very treatable. Praise God! He has more testing this week and plans to begin chemo within the next two weeks. This has been a new journey for us and we thank you for supporting us with your prayers, emails and many tangible expressions of your love. We continue to rest in the arms of our Lord for we know, His "grace is sufficient for [us], for [His] power is made perfect in weakness." (II Corinthians 12:9)

Thank you for your continued prayers!
Love, Beth

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Update - 1/6/08

Hi friends,

Thank you so much for your love and prayers. You're a HUGE blessing to us.

My dad's procedure went well today, without complications. The initial results from the biopsy show some kind of lymphoma. Beyond that, we won't have any more information until the test results come back in 3-4 days. We'll keep you posted.

This morning, I read from Isaiah. Chapter 41 talks a lot about our God's character. Vs. 28 and 29 say "He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable... He gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength." I'm so thankful this is the kind of God we serve.

Please keep praying.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

We stand in awe at the incredible outpouring of love and prayers on Cliff's behalf over the past week. Just to update those of you new to our situation, Cliff has been diagnosed with a tumor in his chest. He is scheduled to have a biopsy on Tuesday, January 6th, to determine a more exact diagnosis. We appreciate your continued prayers and support. Our trust is in the Great Physician. He is Able!
A precious friend reminded me that the "waters" in life will come. That is, the difficulties we all face will come. The waters may rise, but they will not go over your nose.
"Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior...Do not be afraid for I am with you." (Isaiah 43:1-3,5)

We'll keep you updated as we recieve more information on Tuesday. Thanks again, Beth