Friday, April 24, 2009

Yesterday, Cliff finished up his fifth chemo treatment.  His oncologist reported his echo looked good with no heart damage from the chemo.  Yeah!!  The oncologist also called Cliff's recovery "remarkable."  He is thrilled with how well Cliff has tolerated the chemo and how quickly Cliff became cancer free...three months from the time of his diagnosis.  We continue to stand in awe of answered prayer and thank you for all your love and support.  ONE MORE CHEMO TREATMENT TO GO!

Please continue to pray for my friend, Carolyn, who is struggling to keep her blood counts up. She has an amazing attitude, but this has been a very long, hard road.  The lymphoma and chemo treatments have taken their toll on her.  Right now she is receiving blood transfusions every other day often with transfusions of platelets, too.  She is on Prednisone which helps to keep her lymph nodes down and her energy up.  She is waiting for a bone marrow match for a stem cell transplant.

Thanks, again, for your faithful prayers!


  1. That is just wonderful news!! We praise God with you for his great faithfulness. Indeed, his mercies are new every morning, and we thank Him for the blessings he has poured out on your dear family. What a joy it is to celebrate and rejoice with them that do rejoice! Thank you for sharing your journey with us and for the living example of faith you have been to all of us. God is indeed good!

  2. It's May 13th and I just heard some amazing news. PTL!

    -Jim Canfield
